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Why Estate Agents Need to be Seen to be Clean

A two-minute read.

So, the Government have set agents in England free from the shackles of lockdown.

But as agents fly out the traps, like kids chasing down the road after an ice-cream van, slow down and think for a second.

What is the thing top of most people’s minds now?

I’m guessing it’s around health and keeping themselves and their families safe and well.

Of course, some people, a small minority, don’t give a monkey’s about social distancing. There’s a word for them – eejits.

Nevermore than at any time before is hygiene going to play a part in people’s decisions.

Consider this.

Do you get the agent round who was sounding like he had a sore throat when you called him, and he didn’t discuss anything other than taking your details and arranging a time?

Or do you go with his competitor who asked you a series of health-based questions and then explained how she would carry out the valuation safely?

I’m a content creator, so I think of everything in terms of how you can create content around it.

The good news is there are significant content opportunities here.

Below are five ideas on being seen to be clean and using that content to gain an edge and protect you, your team, your clients, and your agency’s reputation.

1) Create a short video featuring you talking about your Covid-19 health and safety policies. Share what steps you are taking to keep people safe.

2) If you have a Be Clean Be Safe, or similar policy and guidelines, share the hell out of it. (Just don’t half-inch it from another agency without their permission. Copyright infringement is costly.)

3) Take photos of your PPE – Clean Kits – deep cleaned office. Share on social media.

4) If you have a High Street office, place your Covid-19 policy in your windows for the community to see.

5) Create a blog outlining in steps how a viewing or valuation will be conducted as you exercise the highest levels of care and consideration.

All businesses are going to need to be seen to be clean, especially agents.

A variation on this mantra is Be Clean – Be Safe.

If you aren’t following either, you will fall into the lazy and dirty category at best, the recklessly dangerous category at worst.

And both are bad categories to be wallowing in.

Thanks for reading, stay safe, stay seen, be clean.
